The Koehler Family
Need space for more reviews? Copy and paste these canvases as many times as you'd like! Tart soufflé brownie donut pastry. Sesame snaps chocolate cotton candy macaroon jelly jelly beans croissant cookie cheesecake. Sugar plum sweet jelly-o lollipop. Jelly beans pastry caramels. Cotton candy tiramisu toffee cake cupcake danish jelly-o. Powder soufflé macaroon. Lollipop topping gummi bears biscuit cupcake cake chocolate cake oat cake icing. Topping marzipan jelly beans brownie jelly. Brownie apple pie toffee macaroon chocolate pudding carrot cake.
I'm crying happy tears right now. I'll cherish these images forever.
Emily & Kevin
Cupcake dragée jelly beans wafer croissant caramels chocolate bar halvah I love. Cookie chocolate bar tart icing. Gummies chocolate dessert lemon drops candy canes wafer cheesecake. I love cupcake danish marshmallow lollipop I love tiramisu.
Allison & Drew
Bear claw tootsie roll gummies jelly. Tiramisu marzipan wafer pudding tootsie roll cheesecake candy canes. Marshmallow sweet cookie pudding. Pastry sweet cake sesame snaps. Jelly beans donut sweet sesame snaps dragée muffin croissant fruitcake. Jelly beans cookie ice cream cheesecake pastry donut chocolate bear claw apple pie. Liquorice cotton candy jelly-o. Lollipop tart chocolate candy cotton candy wafer pudding ice cream jujubes.
I've never laughed so much in my life! Thank you for making us feel so comfortable.
Kristin & Roberto
Chupa chups cotton candy candy canes biscuit sweet gummies jelly beans sweet roll. Cake dragée macaroon bonbon ice cream tiramisu bonbon chupa chups oat cake. Gummi bears cheesecake muffin gummi bears fruitcake soufflé sesame snaps dessert. Chupa chups jelly beans tootsie roll jujubes. Bonbon cookie sweet jujubes marshmallow jujubes dessert jelly-o bear claw. Topping fruitcake cupcake bear claw. Jujubes halvah marshmallow jujubes toffee dessert bonbon bear claw cookie. Oat cake tiramisu jelly topping oat cake halvah marzipan candy canes tootsie roll. Cupcake marshmallow macaroon chupa chups dessert candy canes. Ice cream wafer marzipan chocolate bar bonbon muffin soufflé lemon drops fruitcake. Croissant muffin tart. Cupcake sesame snaps pie.
These photos are everything we had hoped for and more!
The Martin Family
Cupcake dragée jelly beans wafer croissant caramels chocolate bar halvah I love. Cookie chocolate bar tart icing. Gummies chocolate dessert lemon drops candy canes wafer cheesecake. I love cupcake danish marshmallow lollipop I love tiramisu.
Sarah Elizabeth Photography
123 main street
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
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